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Education Department staff numbers have increased by 20% over last five years. So why don’t we have enough teachers to fully operate schools?

In 2020/2021 (the most recent completed academic year) the number of staff actually employed by the DESC in the teacher / lecturer category remained precisely steady at 990. However, the number of other staff employed by the DESC had increased by almost 400 extra staff over the last five yars to 1,465 staff – a remarkable increase of 36% extra staff in the non-teacher/lecturer categories.

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Number of government staff in Cabinet Office and Environment has surged, number of Infrastructure staff dropped

The actual number of personnel at both the Cabinet Office and the Department of Environment, Food & Agriculture surged by 30% over the last five years, according to data released by the Isle of Man Government. Over the same time period, the actual number of people employed by the Department of Infrastructure dropped by 15%.

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