The Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance has publicly launched to provide a strong voice for the interests of the taxpayers of the Isle of Man.

The Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance is the grassroots Manx campaign for

  • taxes to be low, fair and simple;
  • government transparency; and
  • great value for money for taxpayers.


The Manx Taxpayers’ Alliance fights for the interests of mainstream Manx taxpayers. We believe that taxes should be low, fair and simple, and that we should all remember that there is no such thing as “Government money” – only taxpayer money. We want our taxes to deliver good value-for-money for the people of Mann, giving good value for essential community services.


The Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance will be a strong local voice for the interests of taxpayers, conducting a variety of both local and international research. This will include investigating how Manx taxpayer money has been spent in the past and provide positive ideas on how to obtain great value for money for taxpayers in the future.


As a grassroots Manx organisation, the Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance welcomes contributions from the people of Mann. Local people who want to contribute can contact us anytime by email to or by following the directions on our website at

The Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance is an independent and non-partisan organisation incorporated in the Isle of Man. We are not affiliated with any government-funded group, political party or other association, here in the Isle of Man or elsewhere.