Ronaldsway Airport
Ronaldsway Airport

The Isle of Man Government’s Department of Infrastructure has rejected a request from the Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance to release the results of its recent training exercise at Ronaldsway Airport.

In the request submitted under Freedom of Information Act protections on 28 November, the Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance requested “A copy of the full and final report to be produced relating to Isle of Man airport training/assessment event that took place on 27 November.”

“The people of the Isle of Man should be able to review the results of the training exercise that took place, and keeping this report a secret may risk putting travellers at risk by covering up any problems. Trying to maintain security through obscurity is a fundamentally flawed security strategy,” said Michael Josem of the Manx TaxPayers’ Alliance.

In a post on Twitter, former Isle of Man Police Inspector and current policing lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, Derek Flint, called on the Isle of Man Government to redact the security sensitive sections of the report. “Post crash response has little to do with security, but focuses on effective JESIP working and the efficacy of the responding agencies,” said Flint.

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